Dec. 17, 2024

Behind the Big Top: Abigail Munn and the Magic of Circus Bella

Behind the Big Top: Abigail Munn and the Magic of Circus Bella
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Behind the Big Top: Abigail Munn and the Magic of Circus Bella

Hey there! Welcome back to Green Room On Air with your host, Ray Vernotti. It's been a crazy time, folks! I caught COVID again, got over it, but the insomnia was a kicker. Anyway, I'm here and thrilled to have the amazing Abigail Munn back on the show! 🎪

Today, we're diving into the world of Circus Bella with Abigail, the visionary director and ringmaster. This isn't just any circus, folks! "Kaleidoscope" is coming up and it's going to be a winter big-top spectacle. You're in for clowns, a mind-blowing slack rope act, breathtaking aerialists, and the heart-pounding beats of Circus Bella's live band.

We take a backstage tour and meet some of the extraordinary performers crafting magic under the tent. Plus, I've got a little plug for the show I'm in called "Truce," at City Lights Theater in San Jose. It's a moving tale from World War I that's capturing hearts.

So, join us for a fun-filled episode as we chat, laugh, and explore the amazing world of circus wonder! Oh, and don’t forget to snag your tickets to "Kaleidoscope" at 🎟️


00:16 - Welcome to Green Room On Air

03:47 - Meet Abigail Munn

08:31 - Inside Circus Bella

12:30 - The Magic of Rehearsals

21:50 - A Day in the Life

23:15 - Upcoming Show Details


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Green Room On Air. Green Room On Air. The podcast that takes you beyond the

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velvet earth and into the pulsating heart of the entertaining world.

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Hello friends, you have reached Green Room On Air and I am your host Ray Vernotti.

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It's so good to see you again.

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It's been a little while since I've been here in the Green Room.

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I've been pretty darned busy.

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I got the COVID again, which was an interesting experience, which I've gotten

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over, but it left me with a little insomnia.

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But I'm keeping on, keeping on.

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Hey, today, we have a great guest for you. Her name is Abigail Munn.

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She's been on this show a few times in the past.

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And she's on again today. And we're going to have a little tour of the backstage

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of her circus, which is called Circus Bella.

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Abigail has been the director and ringmaster of Circus Bella for many years.

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She is a longtime circus professional here in San Francisco and a good friend of the Green Room.

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And I'm so happy she's going to be here today in a couple of minutes for you

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to listen to or watch, depending on whether you're on the podcast or watching on YouTube.

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For those who are interested I'm in a show right now it's called Truce,

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and it's at City Lights Theater in San Jose we have one weekend left we close

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on the 22nd of December Sunday,

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it's a very moving show to play with music it's been very well received by the

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audiences got a great review in the San Jose Mercury News and so I think that you will love it.

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It's again at the City Lights Theatre.

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In san jose california just search city lights theater san jose california if

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you're interested in going and the play is called truce it's about it's a true story about when,

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a german battalion and a british battalion in the trenches of world war one

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stopped fighting to celebrate christmas together and it's about a lot more than

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that also it's about relationships between men and women during that time and

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a whole lot of other things like parental.

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Relationships to the soldiers and other

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stuff and i think you'll like it so check that out but

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now let's get on to

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my conversation with the fantabulous abigail

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munn the director and ringmaster of circus bella and before that let me just

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let you know that they have a new show out and it's called kaleidoscope it opened

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last weekend and it will continue through january 5th,

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it's a it's a tent circus with clowns and all kinds of people doing amazing physical stuff,

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that seems impossible but will leave your mind blown kaleidoscope a winter big

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top spectacular through January 5th.

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You can get your tickets at

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That's circus, C-I-R-C-U-S, Bella,

00:03:36.397 --> 00:03:40.857, kaleidoscope. And our guest is Abigail Munn.

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Hey, if you like this podcast or if you're watching on YouTube, please subscribe.

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If you're watching on YouTube, hit the thumbs up.

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If you're listening on a podcast, please subscribe on whatever podcast platform

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you're using whether it be spotify or apple podcast or any of the hundreds of

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others that are out there all right folks without any further ado,

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i bring you abigail munn so when you say you're at the circus what does that mean,

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Well, I'm backstage at the circus right now.

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I'm showing you, I guess this is a podcast so you can't see,

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but here's some clown shoes. Whoa, clown shoes.

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They're orange and red and yellow and huge. They're orange and they're actually

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specially made in Mexico, custom made in Mexico for our clown.

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So by a Mexican clown shoe maker.

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Well if you're gonna get clown shoes that's the way to do

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it i guess it's the only way yes so

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is this your tent that you're at or or so

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this is this is our tent we're getting ready for

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the our winter show kaleidoscope no which

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we open on december 13th and we

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will run through january 5th and we're down at the cross and at

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east cut we're excited is this

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your third time doing this with the tent so this

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is our third time doing it with the tent and our second time in this location

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so we were here last year at this time

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yeah so and then

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the other year before that we were in treasure yeah so yeah

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there's lots on at all times here well this

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is probably a better location than treasure island isn't it there's

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less wind different we like treasure less wind oh and we're in such a central

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downtown amazing location you know there's it's really fun we're right in the

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middle of the city which i love yes it's it's a beautiful area there.

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Yeah what's it called the east cut what's the crossing at east cut so it's this kind of

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newish neighborhood it used to be called rincon hill and

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now it's the cross scene at east cut and it's really amazing

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densely populated really lots

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of different kinds of people living here in this very urban setting yeah i grew

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up in san francisco it looks all new and weird but i think it's pretty cool

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yeah because well like when we were growing up there that was all just warehouses and things.

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Like that, right? Yeah. Now it's a lively urban area, as you say. Yeah, it's beautiful.

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So what are some of the acts you're going to have during this Christmas time in your kaleidoscope?

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So we have kaleidoscope. kaleidoscope we

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have this year a beautiful slack

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rope walker whose name is esther de

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monte flores and she balances on

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a rope so there's tight rope that's not what we're doing it's loose it's a loose

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rope and she's a beautiful dancer moving balancer on this rope we have eric

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allen and he's here from san diego and he stacks he's stacking a bazillion chairs

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and he's going and doing handstands on all the tops of all these chairs.

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That's going to be really fun. And then we have aerialists, Dora Galilea and

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Veronica Blair, Circus Bella favorites.

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We have our clown trio and they've been working on some new material. They're very funny.

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We brought in our favorite, we brought in this amazing clown coach,

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Michelle Matlock, and she came in and worked with the clown.

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And so they've been working hard all weekend where it's hard to be funny.

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And then of course there's the circus Bella, our band. We cannot forget about

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our amazing, amazing, amazing band.

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Yes. So tell me why the band is so important to you.

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I think it's like, we're in live in a live theater and anything can happen.

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And the band is working with the artists and the artists are working with the

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band and we have all of our music has been specially written for the show.

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So it's just like amazing.

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I don't know, it's just like, it's, I don't know, our band for us,

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I was just talking with one of our artists.

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It's like they're just they're so much a part this live

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music is so much a part of our show and what's fun here

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in the tent is we actually put the band up high i'm

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just going here maybe it'll be a little bit better reception that's actually

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cool because i can have the video for this too and so some people will be able

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to see it if you if it's okay yeah yeah should we go outside and yeah sure but

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i think it's super fun because the band oh wow the band is part of,

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who we are as in fact we can even go we're going to

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take a little tour this is a this is our first interactive interview

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i'm trying to take it up i love it we can

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take a look at the bandstand here so we're gonna yeah and we can kind of take

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a little tour of the tent here we are inside the tent and people are rehearsing

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and people were kind of still setting up and then if you see over here we have

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the oh there's someone there there's people are kind of working I mean,

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that's where the band's going to be up there. Oh, neat.

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So they're on a platform. Yeah, they're up on a platform. So they're above.

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The curtain's not hung yet, but the artists will come out this curtain.

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And the band is kind of up in their own.

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Space oh cool can we talk to some of the the artists there sure i'm recording a podcast,

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does anybody with anyone want to be that podcast that's

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great so this is this is it's called green room with ray renati

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and it's a local theater podcast and this

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is awesome this is we're doing this very impromptu right

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now so this is ori quesada

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and he's a beloved member of the circus hello hello

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unique and unusual rollabola act

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so do you want to you can talk yeah sure tell me about your

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act yeah so i do a rollabola act

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but my style rollabola it's it's a lot more traditional chinese acrobatic style

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that was like my background is in chinese acrobatics so i'm balancing metal

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a metal bowl on my head and i put metal bowls on the edge of a longer rollabola

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board as i'm bouncing it and I them onto my head.

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So I throughout my act, I stack up and then I do like a cup and a spoon and

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everything. So yeah. Wow.

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How does one decide to get into that? That's incredible.

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It's a good question. So basically I'm, I'm from the city. I'm from San Francisco

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and my family's from here.

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And I started training when I

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was like seven years old here in San francisco and it

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just so happens that the main teachers

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at the circus school here were formerly part of

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the nanjing acrobatic troop in china and so

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i yeah i like did a summer camp and then was asked to start training and yeah

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trained from like 7 to 18 in chinese acrobatics and performed with their their

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youth circus it was like an acrobatic troop so yeah so like a lot of those things yeah.

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They take a lot of those, those things that take so much skill,

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you have to start when you're young and sounds like you did.

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Kinda. Yeah. Yeah. I started training this act when I was like about like 16.

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So I had been training for like almost 10 years, just in kind of everything.

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When you do acrobatics, kind of do a little bit of everything,

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but this act was specifically given to me the solo act that I've been doing just forever.

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Nice. Yeah.

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And what is your name again? I couldn't hear. My name's Ori.

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O-R-I. Oh. Quesada. Yeah. Okay. Well, thanks.

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Yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing that. I'm not exactly sure what it is,

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but I think I got it. Yeah.

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Awesome. This is fun. All right.

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I think everyone else is kind of working. We've got lights and sound going up.

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And then we have, if you go over, you can't really see there's a contortionist.

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I see that. with her coach in the back i do

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see her yeah wow and we're

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doing rigging and things so we'll go back out of this kind

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of loud in here but that's fun this is fun little welcome

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to the backstage lot of circus bella yeah oh

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this is exciting yeah now you

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only have one animal right which is your dog we have

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the dog the dog will be doing pre-show at

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some events so but yeah

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finley the dog is isn't has been in rehearsals every day and

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ready to go so so how how much are

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you able to rehearse the whole for how long are you able to

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rehearse in the tent there not enough

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so we start rehearsals a couple weeks prior at our rehearsal space in oakland

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and then we're about we're able to rehearse for about a week in the tent before

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the show goes up i mean that's what's sort of i think unusual about circus compared

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to other theaters like we are building this village.

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Yeah you're actually building the theater so

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we're we start from scratch bear a lot and then put up the space and then put

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up the lights and then put up everything you know it's that's i think what's

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sort of magical is we're really creating the whole venue not just going into

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a venue we're really making we make the whole we're making build the whole space ourselves,

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Yeah, that's a big commitment. It's redonkulous.

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I have, you know, I'm often I'm like in the middle of the night.

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I'm like, what am I? There's this moment, too.

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I always have like that when the trucks are about to arrive and you're like,

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make it. What have I done?

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Make it stop. I can't.

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Oh, here we go. But the show is really great. And the cast is gorgeous.

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And and this year we're building a little bit. What's great is this is the second

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year in the same location.

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And there's some things about the show that we're sort of taking last year.

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I keep saying Kaleidoscope 2024 is like 2023, but better.

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So, you know, there's things that I wanted to change that we were,

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you know, once a show goes up, you're kind of there.

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I mean, you can make minor tweaks, but sort of making some larger shifts,

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knowing more about the space and the venue and all the things.

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So, and then some of the acts are different just because life happens in.

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And so, so is there a theme to the show or is it, or the acts just sort of all

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put together in a wonderful way or is there like a.

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I would say it's more of the B. I mean, I think it's to me,

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what this show is about is kind of sort of celebrating the beauty and the pictures

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that we all make together on the stage kind of like a kaleidoscope it's like,

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i don't know it's sort of there's not it's not a real story yeah and there is

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definitely thought about the journey that we're going to take you on and it's

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not going to be like it's very narrative story but i think.

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I try very hard to make sure, you know, and actually even musically,

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we're going to take you different kind of emotions, feelings, textures, colors,

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you know, big groups acts where we really, I swear we can't fit one more person

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on the stage to a solo performer by themselves in the ring, kind of having that experience.

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And so there's, you kind of run the whole thing and there's funny, goofy things.

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And then there's, yeah, more, more, uh, I don't know, emotional parts of the show.

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And the music can really punctuate the different.

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Yeah. Well, that's, we actually, it's sort of Rob and I always think about when

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we're working the score, like how, what is this kind of journey?

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Like, you know, when you listen to an album, maybe it's not necessarily a story,

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but it kind of all fits. I mean, we don't listen to albums anymore, but I try to.

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I do. I have my record player. right here and i listen to my like there was

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like off in a wonderful album there's an intention of the journey it goes through

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and i we kind of we do that same thing great great have you had any.

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Interesting challenges this year and getting this going this has been blessed

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like we had every interesting challenge that you can imagine last year and so this year has been,

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really, I mean, it's tech week is tech week, but it's been pretty smooth sailing,

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but that's, it's only because we've done our time. Let me tell you about last year.

00:17:05.990 --> 00:17:08.750
I think we didn't have one thing go right.

00:17:09.590 --> 00:17:13.650
We're just swimming uphill the whole time. And so here, you know,

00:17:13.690 --> 00:17:18.250
it's been some long days, but we're kind of like feeling a little nervous.

00:17:18.510 --> 00:17:21.170
It's like, this is all going too well so but it's you

00:17:21.170 --> 00:17:24.150
know it's we're still standing by for an interesting challenge

00:17:24.150 --> 00:17:29.090
to occur and but we've been we've been amazingly on

00:17:29.090 --> 00:17:32.170
schedule the whole time which is i cannot

00:17:32.170 --> 00:17:35.130
say that the last year like the interesting challenge i'll

00:17:35.130 --> 00:17:37.990
share last year's interesting challenge because we were we've been still joking about it

00:17:37.990 --> 00:17:40.950
was we found out we had to get an engineering so

00:17:40.950 --> 00:17:43.830
we have to get an engineering stamp for then a pull test for

00:17:43.830 --> 00:17:46.770
our fire prints we have to make sure that we have to have an engineer

00:17:46.770 --> 00:17:50.850
come out and test everything and we're like who does circus tense so finding

00:17:50.850 --> 00:17:54.370
an engineer and then we finally get this engineer who flies in he's like okay

00:17:54.370 --> 00:18:00.010
do you have your dynamometer and we're like you're the what the dynamometer

00:18:00.010 --> 00:18:04.350
like i'm like texting our product or one of our.

00:18:05.586 --> 00:18:10.506
Production staff, I was like, Jack, do we have a dynamometer?

00:18:10.666 --> 00:18:11.826
And what's a dynamometer?

00:18:12.226 --> 00:18:14.106
So, you know, scramble ensues.

00:18:14.526 --> 00:18:17.806
I do a last minute drive. We find one. It's in Redwood City.

00:18:17.966 --> 00:18:21.226
I run, I get the dynamometer before the shop closes, before the guy,

00:18:21.386 --> 00:18:23.186
the engineer who's flying back to Seattle.

00:18:23.326 --> 00:18:26.806
So anyways, things like that. It was just- What is a dynamometer?

00:18:27.126 --> 00:18:29.906
I've never heard of I'll tell you what a dynamometer is.

00:18:30.246 --> 00:18:35.646
It's a device that measures the force of pull.

00:18:36.226 --> 00:18:41.506
So what we do is we have to, what they want us, the engineer wants to see is

00:18:41.506 --> 00:18:45.266
to make sure that the tent, the stakes are going to really hold the weight of the tent.

00:18:45.446 --> 00:18:49.246
So we bring in somebody and you test that the force, the stakes can hold.

00:18:50.266 --> 00:18:54.026
Oh, I guess that's kind of important. So that's what a dynamometer is.

00:18:54.166 --> 00:18:57.366
Yeah, that's good because you want the tent to stay up when there's people in

00:18:57.366 --> 00:19:01.546
it. We do want it to stay up when there's people in it. I think I've heard in the news.

00:19:01.786 --> 00:19:04.026
This morning we had our parents' section and we faced it.

00:19:04.806 --> 00:19:09.966
I remember hearing in the news at some time, like circus tents collapsing in

00:19:09.966 --> 00:19:12.426
foreign countries on people or something like that.

00:19:12.786 --> 00:19:17.166
They do. I mean, there is. But that won't happen here because you have the dynamometer.

00:19:17.486 --> 00:19:21.446
Because we're tested. And also, you know, it's like if there's over 50 mile

00:19:21.446 --> 00:19:23.466
an hour winds, we are canceling the show.

00:19:23.526 --> 00:19:27.226
You're not going in this tent. You know, there's like, we do have all sorts

00:19:27.226 --> 00:19:33.386
of, you know, emergency things because we want to stay safe.

00:19:34.246 --> 00:19:37.486
Now, how do you balance all of the roles that you have?

00:19:37.626 --> 00:19:41.266
Like, are you good at delegating or do you just take everything on yourself?

00:19:41.386 --> 00:19:43.726
I'm terrible at delegating. So you exhaust yourself.

00:19:46.286 --> 00:19:49.906
But no, we have, that's not true. I have a spectacular team.

00:19:49.906 --> 00:19:53.906
So we have Carlo, the production manager, my right-hand man,

00:19:54.026 --> 00:19:58.946
and we have Jack Weinstock, who's the kind of also our kind of company artisan

00:19:58.946 --> 00:20:02.206
and roustabout and other kind of useful person.

00:20:02.326 --> 00:20:05.526
And then we have a fantastic house manager, Rhonda. So between that,

00:20:05.706 --> 00:20:06.726
we're in pretty good hands.

00:20:07.426 --> 00:20:12.286
That makes a big difference. That makes a huge difference. And I just work all the time.

00:20:13.146 --> 00:20:19.086
This is my kid, you know. I don't have kids. I have this circus instead. So I...

00:20:19.906 --> 00:20:23.646
So what's a day in the life of the circus for you? Like now,

00:20:23.766 --> 00:20:26.966
like for example, this morning, I got up at six.

00:20:27.786 --> 00:20:33.586
Okay. It was a little, it didn't sleep so well. I got up at six and then got to the lot by seven 30.

00:20:33.806 --> 00:20:36.606
So we could set up the chairs for our fire inspection. Yeah.

00:20:37.598 --> 00:20:41.018
So we did that and then we did, then we had rehearsal from 10 to one.

00:20:41.218 --> 00:20:42.618
So I led rehearsal from 10 to one.

00:20:43.558 --> 00:20:47.478
Then I had a phone call with the Girl Scouts troop because we're planning a

00:20:47.478 --> 00:20:49.558
Girl Scout day outing at the 10th.

00:20:49.938 --> 00:20:54.478
And then I'll probably be here mucking around with some boxes and some chairs

00:20:54.478 --> 00:20:55.438
and answering a few emails.

00:20:55.658 --> 00:20:59.338
We have an event. We're doing a promotional event at one 11 minute tomorrow

00:20:59.338 --> 00:21:02.238
night. So I got to have to deal with that a little bit and think about what

00:21:02.238 --> 00:21:06.958
I'm going to say as a ringmaster for that. And then, oh, and then I'm going

00:21:06.958 --> 00:21:09.358
to drive to San Bruno somewhere.

00:21:09.438 --> 00:21:12.058
I'm going to eat and I might have a cup of coffee that I'm going to eat.

00:21:12.178 --> 00:21:16.818
And then I'm going to drive to San Bruno and I'm speaking in front of,

00:21:16.858 --> 00:21:21.078
of, of arts, a community board in San Bruno, because we're going to bring the

00:21:21.078 --> 00:21:24.598
summer show to San Bruno next year and tell that we're okay.

00:21:24.598 --> 00:21:30.198
And then on the way home, I'm going to pick up some costumes for tomorrow's rehearsal.

00:21:30.598 --> 00:21:35.578
Oh my gosh. So that's, that's today. And then it's just like day after day like

00:21:35.578 --> 00:21:37.638
that. Something will happen. But I'll eat and drink coffee.

00:21:37.858 --> 00:21:42.658
And while I'm in the car, I practice my lines and I'm singing in the car.

00:21:44.118 --> 00:21:47.898
So on the way to San Bruno, I'll be singing, running through my vocal warm-ups

00:21:47.898 --> 00:21:49.218
and practicing my songs.

00:21:50.038 --> 00:21:52.838
Wow. I love it. That's my day. Gosh.

00:21:53.658 --> 00:21:57.678
And then I'll take a very hot bath and boil it myself like a lobster and then do it all tomorrow.

00:22:00.858 --> 00:22:05.418
It's wonderful. Well, you must love it to be able to do that every day.

00:22:05.898 --> 00:22:08.818
Oh, it's super. And it's not, this is, we're under extreme.

00:22:08.978 --> 00:22:14.318
It's not, it's not, this is, this is as busy as it gets. Like this week is bonkers.

00:22:14.658 --> 00:22:19.118
The little trip to San, unexpected trip to San Bruno. I was like, really? Okay.

00:22:20.158 --> 00:22:22.558
Yeah. I mean, you have to say, because they're going to give us some money to

00:22:22.558 --> 00:22:25.258
do the show, but I was like, could we not have picked a better day?

00:22:25.418 --> 00:22:26.958
But okay. In the middle of traffic.

00:22:27.658 --> 00:22:29.938
Oh, it's awful. Well, luckily I don't have to be there until seven.

00:22:30.158 --> 00:22:33.218
So it'll be after traffic. Oh, that's good. That's good.

00:22:34.223 --> 00:22:40.343
Well, people should go on your website and look at all the stuff you have on there.

00:22:40.483 --> 00:22:43.083
There's a video of last year's Kaleidoscope.

00:22:43.243 --> 00:22:45.543
I guess it's last year. Yeah, there's a video of last year's Kaleidoscope.

00:22:45.543 --> 00:22:47.903
And it really gives you a good idea of how much fun it is.

00:22:47.943 --> 00:22:51.843
I really enjoyed it. It's just real short, but it looks like it's wonderful.

00:22:52.043 --> 00:22:57.623
It's really fun. It's a really nice video. You really get a feeling of what our show is about.

00:22:57.743 --> 00:23:02.723
And I feel like, yeah, we're just an injection of joy and sparkle.

00:23:03.623 --> 00:23:05.923
Yeah. Which I kind of need right now.

00:23:06.843 --> 00:23:09.703
So tell us again when the show is happening.

00:23:09.983 --> 00:23:15.143
So the show is runs December 13th through January 5th.

00:23:15.663 --> 00:23:20.923
And to get tickets, you could go to and buy your tickets there.

00:23:22.363 --> 00:23:27.963
And yeah, that's great. That's I think that's all you need to know.

00:23:28.003 --> 00:23:29.143
You should buy it tomorrow.

00:23:29.463 --> 00:23:34.043
We're selling tickets. Yeah, it's going to sell out. So get them sooner than later.

00:23:34.223 --> 00:23:39.163
Sooner than later yeah all right well thanks abigail that's awesome thank you

00:23:39.163 --> 00:23:43.143
thanks for the impromptu tour of the circus oh yeah that was fun yeah.